​  Presentation: Fear No Sound: Exploring Pedagogies for Rough Vocal Effects (RVEs) in Popular Music

Recent research suggests that rough vocal effects (RVEs) like distortion, growling, and grunting can be performed without causing vocal damage. There is no universally agreed upon terminology for describing these sounds, however, and no standard approach for teaching them. This integrative literature review aggregates existing knowledge about rough vocal effects, cross-referencing papers on RVE pedagogy with related clinical and cultural studies. It culminates in a working model for teaching RVEs that is both evidence-informed and centered on the technical and artistic goals of the student. In this presentation, participants will learn: 1. Perceptual descriptions and biomechanics of five distinct rough vocal effects. 2. Strategies for teaching RVEs, including auditory and kinesthetic cues, visualization, metaphor, and anatomical background information. 3. Pedagogical and ethical considerations particular to teaching rough vocal effects, including the importance of open communication to safeguard student vocal health.​

Financial Disclosure: Ms. Oskan has no financial relationships to disclose. 

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 Ms. Oskan has no non-financial relationships to disclose.

May Oskan

May Oskan is a second year MA student in the Voice Study Centre voice pedagogy program at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where her research focuses on evidence-informed teaching strategies for popular music singing styles. She teaches voice, musicianship, and songwriting from her private studio in Oakland, California, and is currently researching tools to encourage creativity in the voice studio and beyond.