Financial Disclosure: Dr. Bhatt has no financial relationships to disclose. 

Non-Financial Disclosure:
 Dr. Bhatt has no non-financial relationships to disclose.

Neel Bhatt, MD

Dr. Neel K Bhatt, MD, is an otolaryngologist specializing in treating voice, airway, and swallowing disorders. Dr. Bhatt is focused on advancing the understanding of neuromuscular changes to the larynx with aging and neurodegenerative disease. He is working to develop novel regenerative therapies to improve patients’ quality of life with voice, swallowing, and breathing disorders. He joined the department as an assistant professor and is part of the division of laryngology. He completed his undergraduate and medical education at Indiana University. He pursued residency training in otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at Washington University in St. Louis. During this time, he completed a two-year research fellowship under the mentorship of Dr. Randal Paniello. He then completed his fellowship in laryngology at the University of Southern California.

​  Presentation: Intro to Stroboscopy

  This presentation will focus on the basics of stroboscopy and other measures of the voice. Essentially, it will provide an overview of how MDs      use stroboscopy, endoscopy, and acoustic data in the clinic. 

 Panel: Snake Oil or Sage Advice: Medical Evidence, Opinions and.   Superstitions  to Keep the Performing Larynx Healthy