Financial Disclosure: Mr. Cline has no financial relationships to disclose. 

Non-Financial Disclosure:
 Mr. Cline has no non-financial relationships to disclose.

​  Panel: Videos on Videos: Teaching Voice in the TikTok Era

 Many voice teachers of the 21st century have undoubtedly had students come into lessons referencing or asking questions about voice   lesson/technique videos they have seen on TikTok or Instagram. It is the job of the voice teacher to decipher the information being shared,   separating useful information from information that may be less useful, and then being able to guide the student to achieve the desired result   in a way that is rooted in Evidence-Based Voice Pedagogy (EBVP) and Practice. This panel will look at several videos that have been found on   TikTok or Instagram to decipher and discuss what information is useful, and also to brainstorm ways to achieve the desired results through   their experience and expertise, a pillar of Evidence-Based Voice Pedagogy (EBVP).

Blake Cline

Blake has spent most of his life on stage, in the studio, or behind the scenes assisting singers to experience performing. He got his start as a stage actor and then worked his way to musical theater and performing in original bands. At 17 years old, Blake found his first singing teacher, Frances Shafter of Charlotte, North Carolina, and began training in art songs, arias, and legit music theater. His fascination for singing in different languages led him to travel to the north and south of Germany where he worked in cabaret theaters performing singspiel, and operetta. Blake started an original country western band in Seattle, Washington between performances. In Brazil, he appeared regularly with the Symphonic Orchestra of Belo Horizonte and the Orchestra of UFMG in Ouro Preto as a soloist in operas, symphonies, and recordings of sacred music. It was in Brazil where Blake first started teaching contemporary singing at the suggestion of a close friend and colleague. Blake has been in San Francisco, California since 2008 and has been active as a vocal coach, songwriter, student, and singer. He has coached many singers in the styles of rock, pop, southern soul, country music, and musical theater. It is Blake’s passion to assist singers in gaining their full expression through the art of singing.